Tag Archives: building

Time Out at Thyme Out

Well, it has been awhile but I was busy taking a bit of time out for myself. While we still had our usual guests coming over for a visit, which is always a delight, I took advantage of the quiet at Thyme Out to enjoy a bit of a retreat for myself. I had all […]

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The Man Cave

The new year is well under way and the weather has been lovely. Christmas and New Year was spent at home with the children stopping by when they could. With the new start of the New Year comes time for reflection and good intentions. This year it will be focused on health and enjoying life. […]

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A Tribute to the Handyman

I have decided to dedicate this blog to my handyman Frans. I must admit that, while I do quite a few things around the place, most of the really heavy stuff is delegated to my hubby Frans. Not that I haven’t tried my hand at some of the bigger jobs, such as erecting walls and […]

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