Autumn Musings


We’ve certainly seen our fair share of rain these past two weeks, with some nice stormy weather thrown in for good measure.

It was the first time that I saw our oak tree really move in the wind. Unfortunately, this also means that there are now leaves everywhere.

Autumn trees

It reminded me of a school project at primary school where we had to create a replica of the autumn scenery in a shoe box.

We went to a forest nearby and collected an array of colourful leaves in all different shapes and sizes. I always thought that the red ones looked the most beautiful.

The pond is finally filling up with rain water again and I can now stand on the jetty and enjoy the work that Frans and Kevin put in during the last hot dry summer.

If I can just find an old barge somewhere that would make the scenery complete.

We celebrated the shortest day in style with a good movie and it reminded me that it was not too late to plant a bit of garlic.


Garlic is traditionally planted on the shortest day of the year (typically around mid-June) and harvested on the longest, but you can still plant it anytime before the end of July.

Garlic loves rich, deep soil and should be grown in a different bed each year to prevent the buildup of diseases such as white rot.

Luckily I wasn’t too late to plant this year’s batch!

— Miranda

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