Stopping to Listen

This morning was one of those mornings where you feel like the world is standing still.

Frans and I had our breakfast on the outside deck overlooking the back garden while it was still early in the morning.

In my opinion, it can’t get any better than waking up in the morning to a clear blue sky with the birds happily tweeting and the lambs frolicking about.

Breakfast in the sun

I like to use this time to reflect on where I am right now. It is a time to compare how you were and what you are now as a person.

To live in the present is not an easy thing to do because there are always other thoughts trying to creep in and destroy the moment.

By being aware of the stillness around me, I am able to feel a sense of peace and fulfillment that allows me to start this new day in gratitude.

And what is there not to be thankful for?

— Miranda

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