Capital Adventures


Lots of things normally happen during the spring season. For us it proved the perfect time to have a day off with our daughter and her husband and take a trip down to Wellington.

We first stopped by the city i-SITE centre to visit a friend who was helping out at a politically themed exhibition called Political Cuts.

Political Cuts

Now, time for politics! (For those of you living outside of New Zealand, there is an election taking place here on the 20th of September.) The exhibition aimed to get people involved in politics and allowed visitors to campaign for a haircut.

We had 3 candidates stand up and have their say about what was important to them and the crowd could decide who they would vote for. Our daughter was one of the candidates and when it was voting time she was selected as the winner.

Naturally, the reward was a free haircut!


It was great to visit Wellington again as I haven’t been there for a while and we got the chance to visit several different places. This time we even made time for a guided tour through the parliament buildings.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t take any photos because the building is a NO PHOTO zone. But what a great time to be had!

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