Pollen Warriors


We continue to hear all about how insects are important agents in keeping crops and species alive.

At Thyme Out these pollinating warriors are out in full force and doing their thing to the benefit of all our flowers, fruit trees and shrubs.

At the moment the pears have set in the garden and are growing steadily while the blueberry plants are just coming into flower.

The bottlebrush shrubs are in full flower and attracting a lot of insects. Not to mention the cabbage tree flowers which are a hive of activity.

When I take my daily walk at around 7am in the morning, everything is quiet. But at noon the warmer weather makes for a great deal more noise and activity.

I wonder if these hardworking insects ever sleep during these busy times. I certainly can’t complain though, some berry growers have to pay to bring hives into their orchards for pollination – sometimes up to $100 per hive!

So it is important for us to appreciate natural pollination and work on ways to contribute to insect life by what we plant in our gardens.


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