As the Seasons Change

Winter Fireplace

Time to sit around the fire and look forward to the shortest day of the year which is just around the corner.

Due to the drop in temperature, exploring the garden now requires a winter coat in case the cold wind decides to make an unexpected appearance.

With the wood burner on, I have the perfect excuse to pull out my favorite book or magazine.

The warmth of the fire is lovely and the sound of the wood crackling away reminds me of when I was young.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Mr and Mrs Smith again this morning out on the back lawn.

For those of you who missed my earlier blog post, they are a couple of seasoned Paradise ducks who visited us last year around this time on a daily basis before suddenly disappearing.

Mr & Mrs Smith

This morning they turned up again, beating the odds of duck season.

The garden is in full autumn colour and resting at the moment.

I’m trying to take in as much as I can of the front and side garden before the winter really sets in and all the leaves fall.

It seems at this stage only the lawn is still growing which means Frans has his work cut out for him staying on top of the mowing.

Until next time!

— Miranda

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