Reflecting on the Seasons


It’s a new month and still so many things to do while the summer is here.

To wake up with the blue sky and warm sun certainly puts the guests in a good mood and I make the most of it by serving them a lovely breakfast with the bi-fold windows wide open.

The views are still spectacular, even with the hills turning brown due to the drought-like weather we are experiencing.

I am still surprised at how some flowers appear to have some sort of inner force that allows them to still produce flowers without a single drop of rain.

At the moment I am listening to the audio books of a modern day philosopher who talks about the 4 seasons and how we need to adapt our lives to what each season gives us.

For me, summer is a chance to reflect on what water means to me and how important it is for the garden and our household.

At this stage, we’ve been lucky enough not to run out of water and, according to the history of this place, in 40 years it hasn’t happened yet.


It seems that lately there have been a lot of fantails flitting about and having fun in the morning sun.

It’s always a pleasure to watch them flying around and as soon I start my daily walk through the garden, they follow me diligently.

For the fantails, this season provides them with plenty of food and the lack of rain ensures that their young ones grow up strong for when the weather begins to get colder.

As a special treat, this week we managed to catch a glimpse of the full moon gracing the sky in the early evening.

A sign that, little by little, the days are getting shorter and the next season is just around the corner.

— Miranda

P.S: As promised, a photo of the finished workshop now fully operational with lots of cupboard space for the DIY man.


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