The Man Cave

Inside the shed

The new year is well under way and the weather has been lovely. Christmas and New Year was spent at home with the children stopping by when they could.

With the new start of the New Year comes time for reflection and good intentions. This year it will be focused on health and enjoying life.

The trees in the garden provide a lovely bit of shade when the weather gets too hot and the breeze seems to be inviting us to hang up the hammock soon.

However, according to Frans, there is an even more pressing priority: his shed. At the moment he is working hard on carving out his very own man cave.

After so many years without any space for himself and his tools, the time has come for him to convert one of the garages into a fully functional workshop.

Needless to say, over the past few days there has been a lot of banging and other noises coming out of that garage.

Our son Kevin also came around to help apply a series of clearlite sheets onto the roof to add a bit of extra light to the cave.


Once that job was done, the garage door has stayed closed and I am only allowed in to take a couple of quick snaps.

I think it’s great that he is finally getting his own space and I look forward to the speedy completion of any repairs that have to be done in future thanks to his tidy new workshop (here’s hoping!)

I can only divulge a few photos at this stage, as it will take a couple more weekends before all the finishing touches are done, but I will keep you posted!

— Miranda

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