Special Visitors

We all are creatures of habit but sometimes it can be nice to break out of the day-to-day grind.

For some this means making a big overseas trip, for others it can be little changes in their usual routine.

As for me, I find watching a good movie or having a family meal with Frans and the children (which doesn’t happen that often anymore now they are spread out all over the place) can really make some moments magic.

For people of age, a lovely car trip can be a nice chance to see new landscapes and enjoy one another’s company whilst experiencing a break from their normal daily schedule.

Yesterday, I had the privilege of having a few of the residents from a Palmerston North retirement village over for a light lunch and garden tour.

The lunch spread

Because the weather was changeable in the morning (sun, rain, wind, then sun again) we decided to put on the woodburner so that the house was nice and warm for them.

Sheryl, the coordinator and taxi driver for the group, had a comfortable van to transfer the lovely elderly people from Palmertston North to Feilding so they had an opportunity to check out the scenery.

While there was a lot of heavy rain during the drive in, upon arriving at Thyme Out Estate the weather cleared up enough for the new guests to get a bit of sunshine.

After a quick chat in the conservatory, I took them on a sightseeing tour through the house.

Then I served a light lunch for the group. Due to the changeable weather, we set up the tables so that the elderly people still had a lovely view of the back garden.

Enjoying lunch

To put a smile on everyone’s face, Frans also picked a full bucket of daffodils which we gave each of them to take home at the end of the afternoon.

The group left with a firm promise to come back in the new year when summer is at it’s peak and they can make full use of the garden tour around Thyme Out Estate.

I can’t wait to show it to them!

— Miranda

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One Response so far.

  1. Joyce says:

    Oh wow! thats so cool!

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