Meet the Smiths

Mr and Mrs Smith

I’m sitting in the conservatory and it is early morning. On the back lawn we are joined by our friends. A lovely Paradise Duck couple who we call Mr and Mrs Smith.

They must have an internal clock because they are always there at exactly the same time every day. Who says that animals don’t have a daily rhythm?

They seem to be getting used to us now and are slowly waddling closer to the house so that we can have a better look at them. They are always busy quacking to each other as if discussing the day’s events (not dissimilar to the conversations I have with Frans in the morning).

Winter rose garden

The topic of pruning is still predominant in our household. This time of year is perfect for pruning and it’s good to get in before too many of the buds appear.

The pruning of the rose garden has been completed and is looking really tidy, all ready for the growth spurt of Spring.

Christmas Rose

Because I have never been in possession of so many plants, trees and shrubs before in my life, I make sure to take a daily walk with my digital camera to capture flora.

When it is a rainy day you can find me going through a big encyclopedia of plants to hunt down the names of the plants I have spotted on my walks.

It feels like I am back at school again, studying hard for a subject. It is my intention to mark down as many of the plants, trees and shrubs for future garden tours.

Had a lovely visit from a friend last week and with her combined knowledge, we made some great progress.

If you feel you can contribute to this effort please feel free to visit our gardens and add your knowledge to it. Any information is welcome!


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2 Responses so far.

  1. Michael says:

    haha. Wow i want to meet them now. 🙂

  2. […] those of you who missed my earlier blog post, they are a couple of seasoned Paradise ducks who visited us last year around this time on a daily […]

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